Eeva-Maria George is a single mother with three children and a Havanese dog named Beni. She lives Long Island, New York where she serves on the worship team and is a children’s ministry instructor. She also holds an Associates Degree in Higher Education and works with special needs children.

Eeva was born in Finland and grew up as an only girl with five brothers. Since age 12, she had a strong calling to minister the gospel. She engaged in prison ministry with her parents and mission trips to Russia, Estonia, Turkey and Israel. She also participated in local missions in every summer. These experiences shaped her faith and helped her see the calling of God on her life.

At the age of 18, she met her husband while participating an exchange program in Canada. Eventually, they married and she moved to Canada to be with her husband. Her husband was an aspiring minister and served as a Regional Youth Director for their denomination. As his wife, Eeva became the Regional Girls Clubs Coordinator. Her joy for the future ahead quickly turned to sorrow when she began experiencing abuse from her husband. Feelings of fear, shame and the pressure of protecting him and the church kept her quiet for 16 years.  

Today, Eeva is passionate about speaking out for abused women and children. She is determined to expose the lies that keeps so many women in abusive relationships. Through her blog and accompanying Facebook page, “Brokenness to Beauty”, she inspires and encourages women through her journey to freedom and healing. Eeva has committed herself to be a fearless voice for those who feel voiceless. She desires to awaken the truth about who they are in Christ so that they can rise from brokenness to beauty!